Tuesday, January 23, 2007
JPG Photography Welcomes You!
Welcome to the JPG Photography LLC Studio Blog! Run by myself, Joseph Paul Gidjunis, JPG, (call me Joe) and Dan Shuman, we intend to use this blog to educate and promote techniques and photojournalism-style photography.
We're writing this for our couples. Both Dan and I have been recently married. Ironically, a week a part. And we felt that a young person's perspective on marriage trends and ideas weren't being shared. Our photography competition is often older, yet we find ourselves as experienced, and with a fresh eye that our couple's have come to appreciate.
We have honestly been told that we've been more helpful than friends, family, and even the coordinator, because we lay out options and timing for your day. We're not here to tell you how your day should run. Quite the opposite. We've seen schedules run so many ways that we offer guidance on what works well, versus what takes a bit more maneuvering. But we always stick to the idea that whatever you want, JPG Photography will accommodate. We wouldn't have it any other way.
We can do this because Dan and I are equipped with a photojournalism background. We both use our cameras every day, under tight deadline pressure, in the newspaper industry. Dan with a newspaper in Virginia, and myself in Maryland. We can never come back with just an acceptable shot. It has to be quality, often front-page quality.
The only part difference between newspaper photography and wedding work is that a crusty-old editor isn't scrutinizing every shot...THEN AGAIN, we have had a few heavy-handed family members give us their opinions...LOL! Honestly though, we have been blessed with great couples. Brides and grooms that know how to cherish the day and CELEBRATE at the reception!
We find too many weddings today are cheesy. They're posed. They're choreographed down to the emotions. We hate this. WE'RE NOT saying weddings shouldn't be planned. On the contrary, preparation is needed to coordinate the day's events. The tears, joy and laughs, however, shouldn't be pre-planned or packaged. We want couple's to plan their day. Plan well, we say. But when the day finally arrives, relax and enjoy it. Time will fly faster this day than perhaps any other day in your life. And we're talking from experience.
Every week, check back to see new photos, events, highlights, and most importantly, tips. We hope you take our tips as more insight, rather than a must do. Again, it's all about giving options and making educated decisions.
If you have any thoughts or insight of your own, we welcome them. Send it, with the subject "Blog" to jpg@jpgphotography.com or dan@jpgphotography.com
We look forward to sharing these utopian-like events with you!
Best Wishes!
Joe & Dan
Thanks to Jaime and Derrick for their ultra-classy wedding in Norfolk Dec. 2. The shot above is of their cake and reception at the Norfolk Opera House. The rest of their images will be available soon.