Friday, December 12, 2008

Union Station Engagement photos in Washington D.C. of Kate and Mike

Washington D.C. EngagementWhen a couple advises you prior to shooting that they 'TRUST' you, and want to do some non-traditional types of photos, you know it's a good day!

This Philadelphia photographer and photojournalist was pretty thrilled that Kate and Mike called me, explaining that they wanted to start at Union Station, but take time to focus on the trains because Kate has family who worked on the rails. Of course, we took time on the National Mall...but we didn't overdo it. Then we followed it up with ice skating at the Sculpture Garden which is part of the National Gallery of Art.

Honestly, if anyone wants to make me happy and get extra time shooting for free, I'm a sucker for ice skating. I love it. My mom instilled it in me when I was younger, and I used to know as many figure skaters as I did the starting lineup for the Philadelphia Phillies.

So Kate and Mike rocked, did everything I asked, and just had so much fun. It was frickin cold, but hey, we got out of the wind pretty fast, took time to get warm, and of course, enjoyed some hot chocolate. My assistant, Jason, also got some good shots, and we all had a great afternoon in our nation's capital.

Thanks guys. Congratulations!

Washington D.C. Engagement
Washington D.C. Engagement
Washington D.C. EngagementWashington D.C. Engagement
Washington D.C. EngagementWashington D.C. Engagement
Washington D.C. Engagement
Washington D.C. Engagement
Enjoy their images on Pictage:

1 comment:

Driftwood said...

Aww, I can't think of any word but cute!

Love your photography, by the way.