Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Building from a new Foundation

As Joe mentioned, JPG went all cowboy recently and turned our wagons to Texas for an intense learning experience alongside some of the best photographers the Wild West (or East, North and South) has to offer. The Foundation Workshop -- brainchild of the amazing Huy Nguyen -- truly was an amazing opportunity to pick the brains of those who have had uncanny success behind the lens and to sharpen our own minds when it comes to capturing your memories. I wish I'd learned so much in college!

I spent two days amongst a herd of alpacas (hairy cousins of the llama) at a small farm just outside Dallas. The workshop had its share of frustration and anxiety on my part, but that's what learning is all about, right? And bottom line: it made me a better photographer. Ever since getting back my mind won't stop swirling with ideas and excitement, and I can't wait to start this wedding season.

Here's a few shots from my time with the critters. To see the full slideshow, including music and a brief, slightly awkward voiceover from me, go to www.fworkshopblog.com.

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